Net Shape





11"Analysis and design for reducing residual stress and distortion after ejection of injection molded part with metal-insert"
Kai Jin, Taesan Jeong, Taesan Kim, Naksoo Kim, Byeonggon Kim
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing , Vol.15, Issue 12, pp 2533-2542 , 2014

10"Development of a dedicated CNC controller for wheel flow forming machine and experimental performance evaluations"
Jong -Min Kim, So Young Hwang, Dong -Soo Kim, In-Hugh Choi, Naksoo Kim, Cheol-soo Lee
International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMME-IJENS , Vol.14 No 06, pp 22-26 , 2014

9"Development of analysis technique to predict the material behavior of blowing agent"
Ji Hoon Hwang, Seonggi Lee, So Young Hwang, Naksoo Kim
Korea-Australia Rheology Journal , Vol.26, Issue 4, pp 389-400 , 2014

8"A study on the shearing process and the burr formation of zircaloy-4 sheet by using GTN model"
Hyunsoo Jeong, Jihoon Hwang, Hyungyil Lee, Dongchul Kim, Naksoo Kim
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing , Vol.15, Issue 10, pp 2167-2175 , 2014

7"Quantification of micro-cracks on the bending surface of roll formed products using the GTN model"
Wan-gi Cha, Naksoo Kim
Metals and Materials International , Vol.20, Issue 5, pp 841-850 , 2014

6"Study for Mechanical Strength according to Thickness of Specimen in the Ceramic Injection Molding Process"
Jinho Kim, Seokmoo Hong, Jihoon Hwang, Jongchan Lee, Naksoo Kim
Journal of Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society , Vol.15, Issue 6, pp 3396-3402 , 2014

5"Analysis of the Effect on the Process Parameters for the Thin Ceramic Plate in the Ceramic Injection Molding"
Jinho Kim, Seokmoo Hong, Jihoon Hwang, Jongchan Lee, Naksoo Kim
Journal of Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society , Vol.15, Issue 5, pp 2587-2593 , 2014

4"Analysis of mechanism of backflow defect of the aluminum wheel flow forming"
Wan-gi Cha, So Young Hwang, Naksoo Kim, Cheol-soo Lee
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing , Vol.15, Issue 6, pp 1075-1080 , 2014

3"Micro deformation of automobile hood in dipping process using stiffness"
J. Kim, N. Kim, N. Hur, C. Oh
International Journal of Automotive Technology , Vol.15, Issue 3, pp 475-482 , 2014

2"Study on micro deformation of automobile roof with mastic sealer after oven process"
Jiseop Kim, Jihoon Hwang, Hogie Chung, Naksoo Kim
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing , Vol.15, Issue 4, pp 649-654 , 2014

1"Enhancement of dimple formability in sheet metals by 2-step forming"
Minsoo Kim, Sungsik Bang, Hyungyil Lee, Naksoo Kim, Dongchoul Kim
Materials & Design , Vol.54, February, pp 121–129 , 2014

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea.
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